Top Tips to Working For a HNW Family: Working as a Travel-Ready House Manager or Nanny

If you’re looking to work in the private household staffing industry, particularly if you want to work with high-net-worth or ultra-high-net-worth families, one of the requirements that appears frequently in job descriptions, is your ability to be “travel-ready” as a house manager, estate manager, private chef or nanny. But what does that actually mean? In this blog, we’ll explain exactly what high-net-worth families are looking for when they’re hiring a travel-ready nanny or house manager, and how you can make sure you fit the role!

be travel ready as a nanny or house manager to work with a high net worth family

What Does It Mean to Be Travel-Ready Private Staff?

For many of our high-net-worth clients, spending all their time in one city is just not possible. They may have multiple homes across the USA, or even internationally and so sometimes they will require their private household staff to travel with them to make sure their life runs as smoothly whilst they’re away, as it does when their in their home city. Whether it’s for work or pleasure, families who travel extensively will often request that their household staff also have the ability to travel with them.

How Can I Make Sure I’m Travel-Ready as a Private Household Employee?

Firstly, you need to make sure that your passport is up to date! Without a passport, you simply won’t be able to travel and you could miss out on jobs with high-net-worth families because of this.

Secondly, it is typical that you may have to leave at a moment’s notice for travel and so any commitments in your home city/main city of employment, need to be flexible. If you have a cat or a dog, make sure you have a trusted pet sitter. If you have family commitments, you need to have a contingency plan for if you are required to go away at short notice.

Thirdly, be prepared to pack quickly and lightly! As a Nanny or House Manager, you might be relied on to help with the family packing as well as your own. Remember to pack the essentials, familiarize yourself with destination customs, and utilize travel apps for smooth navigation. Being proactive in arranging travel documents and understanding local regulations ensures a seamless transition into new environments, but this is where you may also need to anticipate exactly what help is needed by your principal and potentially liaise with other external parties (like your principal’s employer if travelling for their work).

Lastly, you need to have a sense of adventure and be willing to be adaptable and flexible based on your trip’s requirements. Whilst you may get to visit countries you might not have ever expected to, or have totally unique experiences on an international trip with your employer, it can also be extremely hard work with long hours, and you will be required to remain professional at all times.

What Kind of Travel Can I Expect If I’m a Nanny, House Manager or Private Chef?

In the situation where your employer has asked you to travel with them, the kind of travel can vary hugely.

As a Nanny or Family Assistant, you could be asked to accompany your employer on a family vacation to assist with childcare. This may be in a hotel setting, a private villa or even on a yacht or cruise. Generally as a nanny, your responsibilities will still primarily include looking after the children in your employer’s family when travelling domestically or internationally.

As a House Manager or Estate Manager, you could be required to visit additional properties that your employer owns to ensure that they are running as smoothly as the principal property. You could be asked to help train staff at other properties, or even help in the recruitment of new staff for them. We have also heard of estate and house managers being asked to help in the purchasing process of new properties, be that by attending house viewings or researching a new neighborhood or area.

If you’re a private chef, it may be that your employer will ask you to accompany them on travel to prepare meals for them, or to help them prepare meals if they are intending to entertain whilst away. If you are travelling further afield, you may also be required to shop for the groceries in international markets and work with produce unavailable to you ordinarily.

Where Might I Have to Travel as a Nanny or House Manager?

Travel as a nanny or house manager could quite literally take you anywhere in the world. If you are interested in travelling as an employee, make sure this is something that you highlight as it can be seen as a blocker to lots of other staff. If you work for a high-net-worth family, you could be travelling to anywhere across the world: cities like Paris or London, business hubs like Dubai or Singapore, family vacations like ski-ing in Aspen or hiking in National Parks. It will really depend on your employer’s requirements.

What Are the Benefits of Travelling as a Nanny, Private Chef or House Manager?

Being travel-ready offers nannies and house managers the chance to explore new places, cultures, and experiences, enriching both their personal and professional lives. It could open doors for your career growth and networking opportunities, as you build relationships with high-net-worth families across various locations. It’ll also ensure that you get ample exposure to diverse environments which in turn enhances your adaptability and problem-solving skills - both of which are valuable assets in the private household staffing industry.

Will I Still Get Time Off If I’m Travelling With My Employer?

Whilst you may not have the same set hours as when working in your usual place of work, even when travelling with your employers, you are entitled to take downtime and time off. You may have to be more flexible than usual but it is vital that you get adequate time to rest and recoup if your employer expects you to be at the top of your game. It may be that you take minimal time off whilst travelling and then have extended time off upon your return, or perhaps your employer would prefer that you take your usual hours off but remain fairly close by in case of last-minute changes. Our top tip is always to maintain open lines of communication with your employer to make sure that all expectations are being met. Read more about the importance of good communication in the private household staffing industry here.

Ultimately if you are adventurous, adaptable and responsible, your employer may choose to invite you on multiple trips a year, particularly if you can be relied upon to do a good job no matter your location. When working with a high-net-worth family, flexibility and reliability are often cited as two of the most important qualities in private household staff, alongside discretion. Find out more about what it’s like working with a high-net-worth family here. Travelling with your employer can lead to unforgettable experiences that you simply wouldn’t have otherwise, but it can also be extremely demanding so make sure you take enough time to recover as well.

My Household Managed works with the best domestic staffing talent to find them high-quality placements with clients who expect the best.

If you’re looking to further your career in the private service industry and have dreams of working in a private household with a high-net-worth family, apply at My Household Managed.


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