Hire a Newborn Care Specialist

A caregiver gently holding a newborn wrapped in a green blanket, standing near a window with a cityscape in the background.

How Can I Find a Newborn Care Specialist?

A family can hire a newborn specialist to assist as soon as the family brings the baby home from the hospital. My Household Managed specializes in helping families find quality childcare. A newborn care specialist is trained to assist a family in an infant’s 3-4 months of life. It is best to hire newborn care specialists as soon as possible, before the birth of your baby, to secure their availability, as they are often booked months in advance and can work with multiple clients.

What Are The Duties of a MHM Newborn Care Specialist?

Formerly referred to as a night nurse, baby nurse, or night nanny, a newborn care specialist receives formal training in newborn care through courses and certifications. The primary role of a newborn care specialist is to give the parents a chance to rest, particularly with overnight care. 

  • Overnight care

  • Assist with sleep training

  • Keep baby on a schedule

  • Sleeping in the same room as a the infant

  • Transitioning infant to a crib and safe sleeping

  • Lactation and breastfeeding support

  • Handling and storing breast milk

  • Night feedings

  • Swaddling techniques

  • Changing diapers

  • Washing bottles and pumping equipment

  • Infant’s laundry

  • Changing infant’s bedding

  • Playing with baby during waking hours

  • Organizing the nursery

  • Household duties that do not pertain to baby care fall outside of their duties 

nanny and child helping to take care of siblings

What Qualifications Do Newborn Care Specialists Need to Have? 

A newborn care specialist should have a great resume highlighting their experience and knowledge of sleep conditioning, feeding, sleep safety, caring for multiples, caring for premature babies, and all issues associated with newborns (reflux, colic, cradle cap, umbilical cord care, etc). Specialized classes and training are available through organizations like the Newborn Care Specialist Association for a NCS to receive certifications.

What’s the Difference Between a NCS and Other Household Staff? 

What Is The Difference Between a NCS and a Nanny?

Some families hire a daytime nanny, and also employ a newborn care specialist at night to assist with overnight care for their infant. A NCS can make $3-$8 more than a nanny and their rates vary depending on their experience level and certifications. A newborn care specialist will generally not assist with household chores or babysit older children. A traditional nanny will be able to assist in duties like picking up the kids from school, while an NCS focuses on infant care and typically has a shorter contract length of about 3-4 months. A NCS is trained to assist in educating new parents in areas like healthy sleep habits, feeding, and establishing routines.

What Is The Difference Between a NCS and a Baby Nurse?

Previously, the terms NCS and baby nurse were used interchangeably, however, it created confusion in the industry when parents assumed their “baby nurse” had a formal background in nursing. It also created legal issues by using the term “nurse”, when a baby nurse or night nurse may or may NOT be a registered nurse. Instead, the industry is moving away from the term baby nurse to promote more clarity, and is promoting that newborn specialists receive official training through organizations such as the Newborn Care Specialists Association.

A yawning baby wearing a gray knit hat, lying on a white bed with a plush teddy bear beside them.

When Does a Newborn Care Specialist Sleep If They Work Overnights?

A newborn care specialist can work overnight or during the day, depending on the needs of the family. If your NCS works overnight they will lightly sleep or perform tasks while the baby sleeps at night. When working 24 hour contracts, a NCS will require a 4-6 hour break, taken first thing in the morning when the parents wake up. Read more here from the NCSA about what to expect from your Newborn Care Specialist.

Why Work With My Household Managed to Hire a Newborn Care Specialist?

My Household Managed is a professional domestic staffing agency that specializes in helping busy families and high net worth individuals hire exceptional household employees. Rooted in hospitality with over 15 years of industry experience, we know what to look for in the ideal Newborn Care Specialist. We are a trusted and reliable company that you can count on to take care of your unique household needs. We offer a wide range of domestic staffing services, and we will work with you to find the perfect Newborn Care Specialist for your family, including a custom Newborn Care Specialist job description tailored to your requirements.

 How Do I Get Started with MHM?

If you are interested in finding a newborn care specialist through MHM, your first step is to fill out a family inquiry form. This will allow our team to learn a little more about your family. Once we receive your inquiry, a member of our team will be in touch with you personally to schedule a discovery call. You can fill out your inquiry form here.

 My Household Managed is a leading newborn care specialist agency in Chicago, Palm Beach, and Miami

We’re here to help you find the perfect newborn care specialist for your family. Our extensive screening and interview process provides our families with an added level of security and reassurance that their families and households will be in great hands. 

Need more questions answered about working with MHM? 

Request a free discovery call here.

We look forward to making your life a little easier!