3 Questions You Need to Ask If Your Domestic Staff Are Under-Performing

Running a household can be a demanding and intricate task, especially when you rely on domestic staff like nannies, housekeepers, house managers or estate managers to keep things running smoothly. These individuals play a crucial role in maintaining the comfort and efficiency of your home. However, just like any other employees, they may sometimes face challenges that affect their performance. If you notice that your domestic staff are under-performing, it's essential to address the issue promptly and constructively. Instead of jumping to conclusions or considering immediate terminations, ask these three important questions to understand the root causes of their under-performance and help them improve.


Question 1: Is Something in Their Personal Life Affecting Their Professional Life?

Domestic staff, like any other employees, have personal lives outside of work. They can face personal challenges, emotional stress, or health issues that may significantly impact their performance. If you suspect that something in their personal lives is affecting your staff’s ability to work, it is crucial that you approach the situation with empathy and compassion.

Why It Matters: Understanding the personal challenges your domestic staff may be facing allows you to provide support and accommodations when needed. By addressing their personal issues, you can help them overcome difficulties and return to their job with improved performance. What’s more, showing empathy creates a more positive and trusting work environment, which can boost morale and productivity.

How to Approach It: Initiate a private and non-judgmental conversation with your staff member. Express your concern for their well-being, mention the specific changes you’ve seen in their work standard and ask if there are any personal matters that might be affecting them. Make it clear that you’re open to helping them find solutions, offering assistance where possible. Maintain confidentiality and respect their privacy throughout the conversation. If your employee dodges the question, then be careful not to pry or push them into answering. However, if you do find out that something significant is affecting your staff member, be adaptable and create a plan to help them moving forward that will ensure everyone is happy.

Question 2: Are the Expectations of What They Should Be Doing Clear?

Clear communication is the cornerstone of any successful employer-employee relationship. If your domestic staff are unsure about their roles, responsibilities, or performance expectations, it can lead to under-performance and frustration on both sides.

Why It Matters: Clarity in job expectations allows your staff to understand what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated. When expectations are vague or constantly changing, it can lead to confusion, stress, and reduced productivity. Clear communication promotes job satisfaction and empowers your staff to excel in their roles.

How to Approach It:

  1. Job Descriptions: Ensure that you have clear and up-to-date job descriptions for each role within your household staff. These descriptions should outline responsibilities, expectations, and any specific skills or qualifications required. Ideas for what type of household duties a nanny or house manager can help you with can be found here.

  2. Regular Meetings: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with your domestic staff to discuss their performance. Use these meetings to provide feedback, set performance goals, and clarify any doubts or questions they may have about their roles.

  3. Document Expectations: Put important performance expectations and guidelines in writing. This could include a staff handbook or a list of specific tasks and responsibilities. Make sure your staff have access to these documents for reference. Read our blog on how to create a household manual here.

Question 3: Do They Have Everything They Need to Do Their Job Effectively and Efficiently?

Providing your domestic staff with the necessary tools, resources, and support is essential for their success. Without access to these elements, their ability to perform their duties efficiently can be severely compromised.

Why It Matters: When your staff lack the resources or support they need, it can lead to frustration and decreased job satisfaction. In turn, this may result in under-performance or even resignations. By ensuring your staff have everything they need, you create an environment where they can excel and feel valued.

How to Approach It:

  1. Inventory and Supplies: Regularly assess the equipment and supplies your domestic staff require to perform their tasks. Ensure that all essential items are readily available and in good working condition. Inventories and audits could even form part of their job role, but be clear about this expectation.

  2. Training and Development: Invest in the ongoing training and development of your staff to enhance their skills and keep them updated on best practices. This investment not only improves performance but also demonstrates your commitment to their professional growth.

  3. Support and Feedback: Encourage open communication and be responsive to your staff's needs and concerns. Create a culture where they feel comfortable reaching out for assistance or guidance when facing challenges.

Implementing a Performance Improvement Plan

Once you have asked these critical questions and identified the factors contributing to your employee’s under-performance, it's time to take proactive steps to address the issues. One approach you could consider is to create a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). A PIP outlines clear guidelines, expectations, and markers for improvement. It provides a structured path for your staff to follow, ensuring they understand what is expected and when.

A well-structured PIP typically includes the following components:

  1. Specific Goals: Clearly define the areas where improvement is needed, whether it's related to job tasks, communication, or other aspects of their performance.

  2. Timeline: Set specific deadlines for achieving each improvement goal. This creates a sense of urgency and accountability.

  3. Support and Resources: Identify the support, resources, or training that will be provided to help your staff meet their goals.

  4. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular meetings to review progress and offer feedback. These check-ins allow you to gauge their improvement and provide additional guidance as necessary.

Remember that coaching, investing in, and developing your existing domestic staff can be far more valuable in the long run than firing and rehiring. Building on the skills and knowledge of your current team members not only saves time and resources but also fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment within your household.

In conclusion, addressing under-performance in your domestic staff requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach. By asking these three key questions and implementing a Performance Improvement Plan if needed, you can create an environment where your staff can excel, ultimately benefiting your household and everyone within it. Investing in your employees' growth and well-being is a win-win situation that leads to a happier and more efficient home.

You’ve got enough on your plate in your day-to-day life — let us make your life easier by handling your unique household staffing needs.

If you are a family looking to hire a household employee or other home service, register with My Household Managed.

If you are a professional nanny, house manager, or other household employee looking for a job, apply at My Household Managed.


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