How to Write a Cover Letter for a Household Job

Found the perfect job working for a private family or a high net worth employer? When it’s time to submit your application, make sure you know how to write the perfect cover letter for your dream nanny, house manager, or housekeeper position. Here are our top tips and reasons why you should write a cover letter to make sure you have the best chance of securing your next job as a nanny, house manager, private chef, estate manager, or personal assistant.

person with red nail polish typing a cover letter on a MacBook Pro.

As a Domestic Employee, Why Should I Write a Cover Letter?

Your resume is flawless. You’ve filled in the application form. You’ve got a glowing letter of recommendation. So do you really need to write a cover letter too? Yes! You do!

Writing a cover letter enables you to introduce yourself to the employer before even meeting them or being considered for an interview. And if it’s a specific nanny, housekeeping or other household position that you really want, writing a cover letter allows you the chance to show you’ve done your research and that you really want to work for this specific family. It may seem tedious but these letters matter when you are considered for a role as you are up against the “best of the best” household employees with experience and qualifications similar to your own.

Think of your cover letter as the final personal touch to all your hard work. If your resume and letter of recommendation is the basic level that is expected on application, your cover letter is the place where you can show (in writing) just how fantastic you are and what makes you, you! Don’t miss out on the chance to boost your application!

How to Write a Great Cover Letter to Find a Job Working Directly for a Family

So now you know it’s imperative to write a cover letter to secure your dream household position working for a private household or high net worth employer, how do you know where to start and what to include in your cover letter? As experts in domestic staffing, My Household Managed read a lot of applications and letters! Here are our top tips for the perfect cover letter:

  • Make sure you thoroughly research the role you’re applying to. That way you know whether you’ll be the right fit for the role long-term and you can show this in your letter. Check things like hours to be worked, tasks in the job description, type of family you’ll be working with and location.

  • Your employer (or the agency) may read hundreds of letters a day. Be sure to write an appropriate introduction conveying in one or two sentences why you’re perfect for the role.

  • If you’ve done your research on the role, be sure to demonstrate this in your cover letter by talking about job-specific skills. Show how your values align to those of the family you’re applying to; describe how you’ve worked with similar-aged children; write about your experience in a certain period of art or architecture if you’re applying to an estate manager role.

  • Write your cover letter as if you are speaking to the family or Principals whose specific job you are interested in.

  • It may sound simple but check for spelling and grammatical errors! Proofreading your cover letter shows you have a certain level of professionalism which your employer will be pleased to see.

  • Whilst it’s important that you convey as much as you can in your cover letter, don’t make it too long as employers will likely have lots of letters to read!

    Consider writing about the following without going over one side of A4 paper: an introduction, demonstrating how you have the necessary skills, discussing how you have the appropriate experience, showing you understand what is needed in the role and finally, thanking the employer for their consideration.

And that’s it! Writing the perfect cover letter shouldn’t be too difficult if you have researched the role thoroughly and you are well-suited to it but without one, it can sometimes be hard for employers to see why you’re the best candidate for the position. Use the opportunity of a cover letter to show them who are you and why you deserve the role. If you need any more advice on how to land your perfect household staffing role, why not follow us on Instagram where we regularly share tips.

You’ve got enough on your plate in your day-to-day life — let us make your life easier by handling your unique household staffing needs.

If you are a family looking to hire a house manager, estate manager, or other home service, submit an application with My Household Managed.

If you are a professional house manager, estate manager, or other household employee looking for a job, apply at My Household Managed.


What Should You Include in a Letter of Recommendation?


What Skills Are Valuable for a House Manager and Other Private Staff?