A Day in the Life of a Household Employee: Career Nanny With 18 Years of Experience Working for One Family


In this series we reach out to a Career Nanny that has 27 years of experience working in private households in Chicago.

Whether they are nannies, housekeepers, private chefs, house managers, estate managers, or chief of staff, the candidates featured in this series have demonstrated professionalism and expertise in their craft. The candidates we feature are all candidates registered with our agency and have made a positive impression with our recruiting team at My Household Managed.

The goal of the “Day in the Life of a Household Employee” blog series is to give anonymous candidates a chance to share their experience in order to provide awareness & education for anyone curious about beginning or expanding their career in the field of private domestic service.

  1. What is the job title that you feel best describes your role?

    Nanny/House Manager. I have been a professional Nanny for 27 years."

  2. What led you to this path?

    "Ever since I was a kid I have always loved children. The role of a nanny requires a passion for working with kids and the ability to create meaningful and comfortable relationships with children ,to love and care about them."

  3. What is typical work day like for you?

    "The first thing I do is getting them out of bed, feeding them a healthy breakfast and getting them dressed and ready for the day. I take the older child to schooI and then look after the small children. Often, mornings are hectic. When they are napping I wash their clothes, I make a list of the items we need for them and if I can I go to the store I buy those items. I make sure the kitchen is clean and I tidy up the children's play areas as well as their bedrooms. I plan activities and go over the children’s schedules, making sure they have everything for school ( homework projects, lunch, snack, uniforms, etc.) The evening routine is after dinner bathing the small children helping the older children complete their homework, clean up after dinner and do any preparations they need to do for the next day. At the end of my day I give the parents a brief report of what the children have done during the day how they are doing in school, what they are eating, activities we went to ,etc. It is nice for parents to receive a regular update and is a good way to maintain an open communication between the parents and the nanny."

  4. What advice would you give to someone just starting out in this career?

    "To be a nanny you must truly love children. You need to develop a strong loving and caring connection with the children under your care. Each child is unique with their own personalities. It is important to understand each child’s uniqueness, that way you can approach their needs with understanding, caring and love. Go above and beyond in your new nanny position, adding those little details that aren't necessary, required, or maybe even asked for. I see being a nanny as an extra extension of a parent, making sure that things runs smoothly and that everyone is content. After you leave for the day make sure things are on order, kitchen is clean, garbage is thrown out, etc. Try to help lessen the daily stress of the parents. Trust me, they will truly appreciate how much you are helping them to have a less chaotic household. At the end of your day you will go home with a happy heart. Nothing can compare to loving and caring for children!"

  5. “Is there something you wish more people knew about your industry or specific role? ”

    "I wish people understand a little bit more how important a nanny is in the life of a child. Most of the children spend 40 hours or more with their precious nanny. It is important for a nanny to know that her employer cares about her, treating a nanny with kindness, gratitude and a healthy dose of respect can go a long way for a successful nanny/parent relationship."

  6. What is the most rewarding part of the job?

    "It is to love and care for the children under my care. To know that I am an important part of their lives, that every day I am helping them to learn and grow and the love I receive back from the children is priceless."

  7. What is the most challenging part of the job?

    "I think for any nanny the challenge would to be to understand the uniqueness of every family, their requirements, routines and lifestyle."

You’ve got enough on your plate in your day-to-day life — let us make your life easier by handling your unique household staffing needs.

If you are a family looking to hire a household employee or other home service, register with My Household Managed.

If you are a professional nanny, house manager, or other household employee looking for a job, apply at My Household Managed.

Want to be the next candidate we feature?


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