A Day in the Life of a Household Employee: Nanny/ Household Manager

In this series we reach out to a Nanny / Household Manager that has made a career of working in private households.

Whether they are nannies, housekeepers, private chefs, house managers, estate managers, or chief of staff, the candidates featured in this series have demonstrated professionalism and expertise in their craft, making a positive impression with our team at MHM.

The goal of the “Day in the Life of a Household Employee” blog series is to give anonymous candidates a chance to share their experience in order to provide awareness & education for anyone curious about beginning or expanding their career in the field of private domestic service.

  1. What is the job title that you feel best describes your role?

    “Nanny / Household Manager”

  2. How long have you been in this industry?

    “5 years”

  3. What led you to this path?

    “I came across this path by babysitting for an amazing Mom Boss. She was a busy professional and needed someone trustworthy to help care for her son.”

  4. What is typical work day like for you?

    "A typical day at work for me was arriving and greeting Mom Boss & checking for anything in the kitchen and family area that needed to be tidied up. Then, I would catch up on their mail, organizing, checking on the kids room, and start some light laundry. Some mornings I would catch up or get updates from vendors, set up appointments, work on invoices or budget spreadsheets. This would usually occupy most of the morning until it was pick up time for the son. I would go pick him up at school and then head to extracurricular activities for a few hours. Once arriving home I would help him with homework then start light meal prep and make any updates to any pending projects. Mom Boss would arrive shortly after and I would update her on the assignments I worked on and on her sons's day. It was always very smooth days and mom boss and I had an amazing relationship with lots of trust, communication, and respect. "

  5. What advice would you give to someone just starting out in this career?

    "I would advise new people in this field to be patient, flexible, and to communicate well with their bosses. Many families are open to new ways of doing things, one just has to throw ideas out and suggestions. If you are opened minded and easy going you can really thrive in this field. "

  6. Is there something you wish more people knew about your industry or specific role?

    “When you do find a great fit- value it and never take it for granted. "

  7. What is the most rewarding part of the job?

    "Becoming a key member of the family dynamic, knowing you are there helping and making their life that much easier is always so rewarding. "

  8. What is the most challenging part of the job?

    "I think in general the most difficult part of the job is miscommunication and expectations. Sometimes the day gets busy and then there's lack of reassurance in certain things. So always remember to communicate."

You’ve got enough on your plate in your day-to-day life — let us make your life easier by handling your unique household staffing needs.

If you are a family looking to hire a household employee or other home service, register with My Household Managed.

If you are a professional nanny, house manager, or other household employee looking for a job, apply at My Household Managed.

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